About Us

"There's so much to choose from. Decisions, decisions."

Between us, we've read hundreds of books by popular, well known authors, and some by lesser known authors who maybe only wrote one or two books. That doesn't mean to say that their work was no good; they just sometimes didn't have a very good publisher!

We first came up with the idea for One Random Book when one of us couldn't decide what we wanted to read next. We browsed a few forums and blogs together but most were mentioning the same clichéd titles. That's why we decided that One Random Book will be run personally by both of us.

We both have different reading tastes, so we both specialize in choosing different genres for customers.

Holly enjoys reading Classic Literature (Steinbeck, Austen, Dickens etc.), History, Romantic Novels, and Poetry.

I prefer reading books about Trains, Vintage Science Fiction (H.G. Wells, Jules Verne etc.), and non-fiction books on History, Business and Psychology.

When we process orders we receive, we both decide which books to send out.

We started this website on a small budget for hosting, email addresses, domain names etc.  Although we are a start-up business, we have no investors, no staff and certainly no shareholders !

To keep costs to a minimum, It's run entirely from the two computers in our study. We both have traditional 9-5 jobs, so making a profit at this point is not a priority!

We are motivated by choosing great books for you to read!